- Who have family members in US? If your relative is in US, you still get visa, even your brother is in US, that is OK. 以前听说有亲戚在美国不容易拿到签证,这是误解。
- Many have family members in other parts of Myanmar whom they might never see again. 许多人在缅甸其他地区有着家庭成员,这些成员他们也许再也无法相见。
- The mania has had its dark side as well: obsessive media attention, notably by tabloid and television journalists who have besieged Wang's family members in Taiwan. 这股热潮也有产生了负面效应:令人困扰的媒体注目,尤其是小报和电视媒体围攻著王建民在台湾的家人。
- Shortly thereafter, genetic tests became available that enable people who have family members with Huntington's disease to determine whether they have inherited the mutant gene. 如果某人的家族成员当中有人患了杭丁顿氏症,便可用以得知自己是否遗传到变异基因。
- Having family members in the United States does not disqualify someone from obtaining a visa. 申请人是否有家人在美国不会影响其获得签证的资格。
- Family Support Stream: for applicants with sufficient training, work experience, and language ability who have close family members in Manitoba who have completed and signed an MPNP Affidavit of Support Form. 申请人须有近亲在曼省,并且其亲属愿意为其签署担保书,申请人同时还要满足教育、作经验、言能力方面的要求。
- How much would you do to help a family member in need? 你愿意做多大的牺牲来帮助有需要的亲戚?
- There must be other kids his age and older in Hogwarts who have lost family members. 在霍格沃茨肯定有与他同年或比他年长的孩子也失去了家庭。
- Other family members or close relatives, apart from the aforementioned, who have relations of fostering, supporting and maintaining with the applicant. (三)项以外与投保人有抚养、养或者扶养关系的家庭其他成员、亲属。
- For all we knew, not all the elderly residents even had family members who could perform the chore. 因为我们都知道,并非所有上了年纪的院内住户都有家人处理他们的日常事务。
- Mister Obama's father was Kenyan and he has family members who live in that country. 奥巴马的爸爸是肯尼亚人,他有家人生活在肯尼亚。
- The mission of the new organization was "to help people who have family troubles and stresses. 这个新组织的使命是“帮助有家庭问题和压力的人们。”
- Elian's father - and the Cuban authorities - want him back in Cuba, while emigre family members in Florida want him to remain in the US. 埃利安的父亲和古巴政府要求男孩返回古巴,而佛罗里达的亲戚希望男孩留在美国。
- As teacher, translator and emcee Anne Vang-Lo somberly noted, every Hmong person in the gym Tuesday had family members who fought and/or died in the Vietnam War. 作为教师,翻译和主持人安妮万荣,卢昏暗地指出,每一个苗族人在健身房星期二了家庭成员谁打和/或死于越南战争。
- The best of us have a spice of perversity in us. 在我们最出色的人身上都有任性的一面。
- When you see those crying people who has lost their family members,do you have any mood to play golf and any leisure to take a drink of coffee? 你们看到电视画面传来哪些在天灾面前失去亲人痛哭的人们的时候,你们还有心思去打高尔夫球和悠闲自得喝咖啡吗?!
- We Moslems also have Chinese blood in us. 我们回民中间也有汉人的血统。
- Tax penalties for those who have families with more than a designated number of children to discourage excess population growth. 对子女超过法定数目的家庭给予税收惩罚以抑制人口的过度增长。
- Thus it was Russian support staff who first learned to monitor their cosmonauts' speech rhythms for early signs of strain, and arrange surprise gifts in supply ships and cheery telephone calls from famous people and family members in response. 因此,俄罗斯的后勤人员首先学会了通过观察宇航员的说话节奏来发现过度紧张的先兆,同时也知道在补给船中带上令人惊喜的礼物和与名人或家人的愉快通话都会改善宇航员的情绪。
- The senior executives of the company consist of a group of seasoned professionals who have years of top management experience in leading multinational companies in US and Asia. 公司高层管理人员均有海外留学背景,且有多年欧美大型跨国公司高层管理经验,组成一支经验丰富又充满活力的管理团队。